Lenneke & Mette
What kind of activities do the two of you like to do?
We love going to the playground, she is a fearless mountain goat. She just need to climb on top of everything. We also love saying hi to the butterflies and big fish in the Zoo. Another favorite is the beach to get some fresh air, having our toes in the sand and splashing in the water.
What do you like the most about being a mother?
Finding happiness in the smallest of things and to share this with her daddy.
What has surprises you the most about motherhood?
I always thought I would get a mini me but Mette really has her own character, a beautiful mix of both of us. Now I am pregnant and expecting another young girl again I know our second daughter will have her own character as well and I’m very curious about it again. To consciously experience the development of a small child is a very beautiful thing and a wonderful experience! Mette can surprise me again on a daily base with new things and words she says or does.
What’s typical about her?
I’m very bad in hiding emotions in my mimics. And it’s the same with Mette. You can instantly tell when she’s happy, angry, irritated, uninterested, disappointed by the looks on her face as well as her body language. Which is a good thing. And Mette really likes to cuddle and loves sitting with you all the time.
What’s your opinion about toys?
At first I had the ideology that all toys in home needed to be made from sustainable eco wood. Now almost two years later I stepped off of this idea. Dora and Hello Kitty are also in home residents now and they seem to get along with the wooden eco toys. The plastic toys are a fine addition to toys which they themselves can play with I really like to play together. I received this note from home and I’m really a craft mother. They are also becoming more age to paint together, clays, bake cookies. Now I’ve been collecting all kinds of craft projects on Pinterest to do together. And they like it. Her art supplies are always ready and there she is happy doing.
What are your favourite spots to go to?
The Blijdorp Zoo, beach cafe The Staat in Duindorp, farm The Buytenhof in Rhoon and the Kralingse Bos.
Which products you swear by since your are a mother
A Fisher Price stacking blocks set, easy to take along, and Bobbi Brown ‘pot rouge’ in raspberry, it does not matter how tired you are, a bit on your cheeks and lips and you are all set to go!
What would you like to do differently
I now work mainly from home. The work is always there and I have to learn quit working and be 100% mom. And I need to stay more ‘zen’ in the middle of chaos. This is a real challenge for me as I wish to keep sane and be the tower of strenght my kids can home to. And prices remain in the chaos I find a challenge. I hope that a course in mindfulness will help me with this.
What do you do to make yourself feel good, to treat yourself
I can really spoil myself with a cake and a tasty cappuccino. Now I am pregnant and drink less coffee this really is a treat and a quiet moment. And I have recently started a flower subscription with my favorite florist. Every two weeks I will get a nice bunch of flowers. This always makes me very happy!
Do you have family traditions or specific habits
Since Mette was 4 weeks old we go in bath together every Saturday. I made photos every week the first year and it is so nice to see how she has changed from a teeny tiny baby into a little toddler! And during dinner we always give a high five with the three of us. It makes a circle of us three and it really gives a family feeling. I think it is good to give it a thought everyday that we belong together. Dancing on Katy Pery (Roar or Birthday) in the middle of the living room also starts to be a daily habit
What are your favorite clothing brands?
For Mette One more in the family, Emile & Ida, Babe & Tess, Kids’ Case, Gray Label, Noa Noa, cardigans knitted by grandma. For myself Monique van Heist, Humanoid, Isabel Marant, Zara, H & M, vintage.
What is the first thing you bought for … .when you were pregnant?
Even before I was pregnant I bought a cactus toy in Salta Argentina because we then decided to go for it! And when I knew it was a girl I bought a super cute sweater with bunnies ….
What do you think is ’the hardest part’ of being a mother?
Consistency and patience
What do you like about your partner as a father?
He is super sweet and patient and we both like to get out and do fun things together. Joe is a family man and a girls dad, so that’s good! He has a tattoo on his wrist wich sais ‘Nous’ in french which means us/we reffering to us as a family.
How did your relationship change?
Sometimes I miss him. We are both often so busy, time spend together is rare. I am glad we get to work together sometimes like on The Mamma Stories.
What is your favourite Lennebelle Petites item?
The She’s a Rainbow set. For Mette her birth announcement we made at a little movie with the song She’s a rainbow of the Rolling Stones. is there on this set inspired.

Angel, Levyn & Seph
I truly believe parents are the main source of
a kid’s sense of self-worth.
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