We love to know more about you, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Amber, 29 years old and mom of Lilou Rose (3,5). I’m an illustrator/graphic designer/artist. 

We have been following your instagram for some time and we adore your work (duh 😉 How did this all happen? 

I’ve studied graphic design for four years and after that I went to Akademie Vogue for three years. After my studies I worked as a graphic designer for four years.

Last year I decided to take a step back because I had a burn-out. In that time I had all the time in the world so I could do what I love most ; drawing. For me this was really therapeutic and it helped me to relax. When I put my first portrait illustration of my daughter on Instagram it all happened. It went so fast. Now I’ve made more than 1200 portraits already! People ask me for the most awesome collaborations so I really love my job, it’s so much fun.

This new collection is all about Motherlove. In what ways or how do you feel your Mother Love for Lilou?

I feel my Mother Love in every single way. Her dad and I split up when she was 9 months. Lilou is with me for 4 days of the week because of our co-parenting. I miss her so much when she is at her dad’s so I give her some extra love when she is around.


When filming the Mamma Story we think Lilou is the cutest and sweetest girl! What’s the best thing about being her mom? 

Ah that’s so sweet, thank you. The best thing is the love. To give all my love and to receive it back. It’s the best feeling in the world. Even when she’s just 3,5 years old, she already feels like my best friend.

What life lessons do you want to teach Lilou?

Be yourself. Love yourself. Believe in yourself. You are enough, always. 


What surprised you about motherhood? 

How hard work it is. The long nights and tired eyes in the beginning (okay the first 3 years…) were tough and still are sometimes.


How did you experience the pregnancy with Lilou? 

Actually I had a very easy pregnancy. I wasn’t nauseous at all. Only a bit tired at the end. But I was afraid. Afraid of something would happen with the baby. So I had a lot of stress, anxiety and panic attacks (I think also because of the hormones). My belly was small, even at 39 weeks so I had to go to the hospital for extra ultra sounds during my last weeks of pregnancy to check on Lilou her growth. So I had to be initiated with 40 weeks. My feelings said it was all okay, there was nothing with Lilou’s health and growth and in the end she was just an average baby of 50cm.

Do you want to share a bit about her birth?

Her birth was the most special thing I have ever experienced. The contractions went very fast so there was no time to rest in between contractions. The delivery lasted 3,5 hours but the most special hours ever. So amazing how your body works.


What’s your advice for new moms?

 Listen to your body, your mom feelings are always right.


We have great respect for single parents. Do you want to share with us how life is as a single mom?

Thanks! It’s hard. It’s just shitty you have to share your child. And yes I have 3 days of the week where I can sleep, see my friends and work but most of the time I just miss her and that sucks. It’s hard when she doesn’t want to leave and doesn’t want to go to her dad’s. It’s hard when I need to discuss with her dad where she is for Christmas this year. It’s hard when you want to travel the world with her but you basically can’t because she has two lives and it’s hard when she is sick and I only can guess how she’s doing instead of cuddling her. And so the list goes on haha.


What do you like to do together?

Crafting! Lilou is crazy creative and I love that. DUH! Also love going on an adventure outside. 


What’s your favourite moment of the day?

Do you have daily/weekly rituals in with Lilou? I love the mornings. Waking up, cuddling in bed and just slowly getting ready for the day to start.

You have a lot of nice tattoos! We love to know more about them 😉
Are there any related to motherhood or your ideas on life? What’s the story behind them?

Thanks! Most of them I had already before Lilou’s birth. After her birth I knew right away I wanted her name tattooed somewhere. It turned out to be an old school one with a rising sun and some flowers.

When Lilou was one she was such a fan of the Moon. Always looking for it and asking about it. So i tattooed a Moon for her. The first time she saw it her reaction was so cute: Oooooh mama! The mooon! It’s soooo beautiful, is that for me? Thank you!!

It is so funny because yesterday she told me she liked all of my tattoo’s so much but she doesn’t understand why the heart is so sad. She rather wanted to see it smiling instead of being sad haha. 


What’s important to you when it comes to toys and playing?

I think it’s important that it’s sustainable, fairly made and her imagination will be triggered by it. She has a lot of plastic toys at her grandma’s and grandpa’s that has a lot of lights and sounds. But she likes the toys the most which need a little fantasy. I love seeing her play with her imagination.


What are the products you can’t do without anymore since you’re a mother?

A good eye cream? Haha! Hmm no I’m not sure.


How do you make sure everything is ‘in balance’, the combination of motherhood, work, family, friends? 

At the moment that’s a bit hard. Everything is a bit out of balance right now because i have SO many deadlines. And I know, a bit too much but I love my job and I want to make as many people as I can happy. So I don’t see my friends that often as I did before but for now that’s okay. I know it will be better. About motherhood, I try not to work that much when Lilou is with me. I only work when she’s asleep or when she’s at her dads.

We love to know a couple of your favourite things in general. List a top 5.
1. taking a nap together with Lilou.
2. drawing and making things
3. Eating as much sushi as i can
4. Spa day
5. Sunshine
What’s important to you interior-wise, when it comes to creating a home/Lilou’s room? 

The most important is the personal stuff with emotional value. So I kept her first shoes, her favourite first jumper and her birth card. Our home is a bit messy with a lot of stuff but to me it’s warm and cozy.

What are your favourite clothing brands and stores?

For me;Palaver, Yoli and Otis, Sissel Edelbo, Savannah Morrow the Label, Levi’s, Lee, Moonshine Vintage, Lovely Lane, Studio Noos, Ganni, American Vintage, Wolf Ware, Laura Dols, Episode.
For Lilou: Maed for Mini, Moonbeam Collective,, Yoli and Otis, Kalinka kids, Bobo Choses, Dilling.

How do you stay in shape, physically and emotionally?

I don’t work out. Never. I am so lazy and basically don’t find the time to work out. I’ve tried to go to yoga every week but that didn’t work out either. I try to take a spa day once a month so I can recharge. For me that’s really me time. A day offline and relaxing. When I try to chill at home it’s so easy to grab your phone and answer some emails and messages. I also try to meditate before going to bed. So I can go to sleep with a relaxed mind.

What do you do to feel well, to treat yourself? 

Spa day!

Are there any words you live by/ quotes/ poems? 

like this one: “And like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again.”

What’s the first thing you bought for your baby when you found out you are pregnant?
I think it were soft baby shoes with a bear on it.
What’s the nicest piece of art you ever got from Lilou? 

A painting with gold and glitter. She painted me a glittery dinosaur.

When was the last time your heart melted because of something Lilou did?
Just now, when Lilou saw a little snail on the outside of the window: “Mama we need to make him a little bed because outside it’s so cold!”

Annelijn, Maen & Dapper


I am Annelijn. A bit chaotic.

More visually oriented than theoretical.


view this mamma story

Nina & Ella


Wow, it’s the biggest enhancer in personal growth. 



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Angel, Levyn & Seph


I want them to follow their heart and

believe everything is possible

as long as they are willing to work for it.

view this mamma story