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amber DE VRENG
Zaandam – the Netherlands
After that I fell in love with her work and asked if she wanted to make an illustration for the Motherlove Collection.

When/how did you find out about your talent?
When I was a kid I always loved to draw. It was my favorite!! I always drew animals from pictures and my teachers always told me that I was very talented. During art class, I learned more about autonomous drawing and my interest in drawing grew.
What did you do to get where you are now?
I’ve studied graphic design for four years and after that I went to Akademie Vogue for three years. After my studies I worked as a graphic designer for four years.
Last year I decided to take a step back because I had a burn-out. In that time I had all the time in the world so I could do what I love most ; drawing. For me this was really therapeutic and it helped me to relax. When I put my first portrait illustration of my daughter on Instagram it all happened. It went so fast. Now I’ve made more than 1200 portraits already!
What are your plans and desires for the future?
Just doing what I am doing right now. Meet new clients and make them beautiful illustrations that they love.
What is your ‘signature’ when it comes to your work?
That is so difficult. Many people tell me that when they see one of my works, they immediately recognize my ’signature‘ and see that I made it. That is the biggest compliment I can get.
What is your favourite piece/job assignment that you did this far?
I really loved this one but there are many. I’ve made a really cute dinnerware set for children and it feels like a big honour when someone asks me to illustrate their book.

What part of your job gives you the most enjoyment and what part do you consider a struggle/challenge (if there are any ;-)?
I really love it when something comes out right, exactly like I had it in mind. And of course peoples reactions. It’s such a thankful job.
My biggest struggle is time management/schedule. I never miss a big deadline but there is a lot of stress for sure ;).
What’s the best advice you have gotten and what’s the best advice you can give considering your work?
Just do what you love. I know when I create something that I really love it is so much easier than when I try to make something that people expect from me.
So it’s all right to work from the heart instead of managing others’ expectations. That’s what I really love and what works for me.

In collaboration with Lennebelle Jewely, Amber designed the packaging for the Motherlove Collection.